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Tool holders with compact shank

Quick-change system WFB

  • The WFB quick-change system has demonstrated its quality for many years in terms of precision and flexibility in the TNL series.

  • Increase your flexibility and reduce setup times in production through the use of the WFB quick-change system.

  • See an overview of all the tool holders with the WFB interface by opening the Mounting drop-down menu and selecting the WFB option.

Complete machining also for special threads

  • The production of special threads usually requires an additional operation on another machine.

  • With our thread whirling units, it is easy to produce multiple threads, threads of different pitches or threads behind a collar.

  • Take advantage of complete machining on one machine by using our thread whirling units.

  • See an overview of all the thread whirling units by opening the Function drop-down menu and selecting the Thread whirling unit option.

Tool holders with multiple tool mountings

  • On the machines of the new TRAUB TNL series, the turret indexing is designed as a fully functional NC-axis.

  • This makes it possible in a simple manner to significantly increase the number of available tools when using tool holders with multiple tool mountings.

Gear cutting units for lathes

  • For complete machining of your workpieces on one machine, INDEX offers special gear cutting units.

  • These tool holders make it possible to produce gearing directly from the bar. New clamping of the workpieces in special machines for gear cutting is eliminated.