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Tool holders with VDI shank


  • Reduce your setup time with our INDEX CAPTO quick-change system. The proven INDEX CAPTO mounting is available for tool holders with VDI 25, VDI 30 and VDI 40 shanks.

  • See an overview of all the available tool holders with the CAPTO interface by opening the Mounting drop-down menu and selecting the INDEX CAPTO option.

INDEX fluid spindles

  • INDEX offers fluid spindles to optimize your cutting tool performance, even for small hole diameters or light milling operations.

  • Our fluid-spindle tool holders optimize all live-tool processes including milling, drilling, deburring and marking.

External and internal coolant in one tool holder

  • With many of our tool holders, you have the choice between internal and external coolant.

  • The change merely requires a small modification to the tool holder that can be made quickly and easily.

Gear cutting units for lathes

  • For complete machining of your workpieces on one machine, INDEX offers special gear cutting units.

  • These tool holders make it possible to produce gearing directly from the bar, eliminating the need to transfer a workpiece to a spacialty machine for secondary processing. 

  • Our gear cutting units can be found in our brochure or directly here in the iXshop. 

  • For further information on setting up and measuring gear cutting units, please download the product note below.