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Grooving tool holding block Trapezoid 32, vertically adjustable

ID produit:10818538
Ancienne ID produit: W9990017
Grooving tool holding block Trapezoid 32, vertically adjustable
Démarrer la vue 3D
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chargement du modèle

Données techniques

Drive not live
Cooling external and internal
Pressure 20 bar
Mounting Trapezoid 32x5
X [mm] 45 (1.77")
Y [mm]
Z [mm] 32 (1.26)
INDEX TRAUB products C100 TNX65/42

Informations de commande

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Simulation support


Etiquettes pour emballage

Les étiquettes taille DIN A4 ont été créées spécialement pour l’édition sur les étiquettes nues suivantes :

  • AVERY Zweckform - étiquettes universelles - réf. article 3427-x
  • HERMA - étiquettes PREMIUM - réf. article 4626, 4470, 5062, 8645


Aucun accessoire n'est disponible pour ce produit


Simulation support

The toolsunited tool database offers about 1 million tool holder and cutting tool data. This includes tool holder models for INDEX and Traub machines, which can be used for simulation purposes. 

Toolsunited offers you the following possibilities:

  • Compilation of the required individual parts for the creation of the complete tool
  • Standard-compliant assembly of tool holder and cutting tool as 3D model 
  • Download 3D data as a detailed overall tool
  • Standardized interfaces for many simulation software solutions

The transaction will be processed exclusively via your INDEX account. A separate registration is not necessary.

* Free selection and free assembly of complete tools. The download of the complete tool is with costs.