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Discover SIEMENS

SIEMENS - from Germany, for Germany, for the world

  • SIEMENS connects the real world with the digital world and helps to make life on our planet more sustainable with its technologies.
  • Turning, milling, grinding, other technologies - SIEMENS covers all these technologies from a single source.
  • Strong teams across the company drive growth around the globe.
  • Strong teams across the company drive growth around the globe.


Ingenuity for life

Ingenuity for life résume ce que SIEMENS représente depuis les innovations révolutionnaires de son fondateur : l'art de l'ingénierie, l'ingéniosité, l'innovation, mais aussi la responsabilité.

SIEMENS AG est une entreprise technologique de premier plan au niveau mondial, dont le siège est à Munich et qui emploie plus de 311 000 personnes dans le monde.

L'entreprise a été fondée en 1847 à Berlin et se concentre sur les secteurs Industry, Infrastructure, Mobility et Healthcare.
L'entreprise soutient ses clients avec des technologies qui leur apportent des avantages concrets : des usines efficaces en termes de ressources, des chaînes d'approvisionnement résilientes, des bâtiments et des réseaux électriques intelligents, des trains à faibles émissions et confortables ainsi que des soins de santé avancés.
SIEMENS permet à ses clients de transformer leurs industries et leurs marchés et d'améliorer la vie de milliards de personnes en reliant le monde réel et le monde numérique. 
SIEMENS est l'actionnaire majoritaire de SIEMENS Healthineers, société cotée en bourse - un leader mondial des technologies médicales qui contribue à façonner l'avenir des soins de santé - et détient une participation minoritaire dans SIEMENS Healthcare.

En outre, SIEMENS détient une participation minoritaire dans SIEMENS Energy, un leader mondial dans le domaine du transport et de la production d'énergie.

Transforming everyday life Together

Since 1847, SIEMENS has been helping customers transform their businesses to make a better future possible for people. Together with your customers and partners, you improve people's lives.

Long-term success is the foundation for everything SIEMENS does.

Dedicated SIEMENS employees around the world deliver customized solutions to meet customers' unique challenges - today and in the future. Behind this commitment are existing and future partnerships based on trust. Customer satisfaction is SIEMENS commitment.

As a focused technology company, SIEMENS develops technologies that enable its customers to revolutionize entire industries: Resource-efficient factories, resilient supply chains, smart buildings and power grids, low-emission and comfortable trains, advanced healthcare - SIEMENS delivers technologies with tangible benefits to its customers.

They transform industries and markets by connecting the real world with the digital world, making people's everyday lives easier.

Timeless engineering, social values and genius

SIEMENS accelerates the sustainable transformation of industries, reduces environmental impact and maximizes its contribution to the health of our planet through a high-performance ecosystem.

Together with its partners, the topic of sustainability is being tackled from all sides and at all stages of the value chain.

In this way, SIEMENS is driving the change the world needs now. 

Sustainability is anchored in SIEMENS DNA. It is not an option, but a business imperative.

They are now setting even more ambitious goals, building on SIEMENS past successes and experiences. Efforts are accelerated and the bar is raised.

Sustainable growth goes hand in hand with the value SIEMENS creates for people and the environment. For SIEMENS, diversity means embracing different ways of thinking, backgrounds, experiences, competencies and individual qualities - and enriching everyday work. SIEMENS promotes all employees and managers on an individual basis and lets them share in the knowledge and experience the company has accumulated over the years.

 SIEMENS training concept is continuously revised and improved so that it is always up to date.