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Tool holders for multi-spindle lathes

Milling units – made by INDEX

Our new milling units are designed specifically for continuous use on multi-spindle lathes.
Generously dimensioned bearings and oil-mist lubrication provide for high stability and low wear, among other features.
In addition, a clever adjusting mechanism facilitates the alignment of the tool holders considerably.

Drill holders for multi-spindle lathes

The use of drill holders with hydraulic expansion clamping and INDEX CAPTO further increases the high productivity and cost-effectiveness of multi-spindle lathes. 

Tool holders adjustable in Y-direction

The eccentric arrangement of hydraulic expansion tool holders on our stationary tool holders results in significant time savings for machine setups. By simply rotating the tool mounting, the Y-axis can be shifted by ± 0.2 mm.

Grooving tool holders for INDEX MS16

Tailored to our new multi-spindle machine INDEX MS16, INDEX offers grooving tool holders that are designed specifically for use on the grooving slide and excel by extremely high stability.
As already with our live milling units, the grooving tool holders are aligned by an alignment mechanism. For more information, please see our product note.