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Discover HYDAC

Thinking about tomorrow's solutions today

  • HYDAC 50 national companies, one DNA.
  • Internationally networked, locally rooted.
  • HYDAC - Drive and experience innovation.
  • Creating value and living sustainability since 1963.


Your reliable partner Wherever fluid technology is required in conjunction with electronics and engineering

Wherever fluid technology in combination with electronics and engineering is required, HYDAC is at your side as a reliable partner worldwide.

Founded in 1963 in Saarland as a company for hydraulic accessories and managed as a family business, HYDAC has continuously developed. Today, HYDAC has over 50 national subsidiaries, around 500 sales and service partners, 14 product divisions and more than 9,500 employees worldwide.

HYDAC is your competent partner with a unique, worldwide engineering, manufacturing and service network. HYDAC supports you on site with your tasks. 
HYDAC is your competent development partner for mobile machinery - from planning to aftermarket. Because HYDAC's experts are not theorists, but develop the next generation of mobile machinery together with you. Thanks to our global presence, this results in state-of-the-art machines that are adapted to your local conditions.

One DNA with 50 national societies

Rely on HYDAC's proven expertise in hydraulics, systems technology and fluid engineering. Thus HYDAC is committed to cross-industry as well as sustainable and above all customer-oriented total solutions. In doing so, HYDAC are not theorists - with a comprehensive understanding of the industry, they develop systems that prove themselves today, as well as in the future. For you and with you.

Curious, future-oriented and far-sighted: HYDAC always has its finger on the pulse and is now represented in more than 14 product areas worldwide. HYDAC faces new challenges, always armed with the experience of the past.

From a Saarland family business to an international group of companies - that takes a good deal of courage. The courage to question the existing, to break down thought patterns and to create something new. 
As a family business, HYDAC is proud of its strong team. That's why you live by one maxim: act responsibly. Because you attach great importance to cohesion. Be it through diverse development opportunities, leisure activities or the compatibility of career and family.
As a globally operating group of companies, it is a matter of course for HYDAC to act responsibly towards the environment and society on the market worldwide with the same basic principles. HYDAC is certified for this and undergoes regular recertification.

Sustainability lived

For all technologies and developments, HYDAC not only focuses on the here and now, but also on the future. Beyond the legal requirements, you focus on the use of renewable energies at your sites. At the same time, you attach great importance to regionality - with 50 foreign subsidiaries and over 500 sales and service partners worldwide, you are close to your customers and keep your transport routes short.