Safety switch
![Comutador de comando](/medias/10451283.png?context=bWFzdGVyfGV4dGVybmFsaW1hZ2VzfDcwODI4fGltYWdlL3BuZ3xhR0kwTDJnM1ppODRPRGN6TnpRMU1ESXpNREEyTHpFd05EVXhNamd6TG5CdVp3fDhkZWQyOGQ0NTk3OGNhMTI0N2I2YmMyZTI4MjYzMGI2ZmEyNDA2MGFiOWQxMzAwYWIwMGVhZmFjMWIyODhjNjM)
This product is currently not available to order directly from the store, but can be requested directly from us.
![Comutador de comando](/medias/10793213.png?context=bWFzdGVyfGV4dGVybmFsaW1hZ2VzfDgyMzQwfGltYWdlL3BuZ3xhRFZrTDJnM1ppODRPRGN6TnpRMU1EVTFOemMwTHpFd056a3pNakV6TG5CdVp3fDlkNjQyYjFjNzQ4ZDllZjdmMDhiNjM1ZmUxOWNiNjBkNjc4ZTRmZWUxYTMyNWE0MDYxNGE5YmE0NGJjZjlkNmM)
This product is currently not available to order directly from the store, but can be requested directly from us.
![Comutador de comando](/medias/10723591.png?context=bWFzdGVyfGV4dGVybmFsaW1hZ2VzfDEwODQ4MHxpbWFnZS9wbmd8YURoa0wyZzNPQzg0T0Rjek56UTFNalV5TXpneUx6RXdOekl6TlRreExuQnVad3w4MTVkNmQzYWQwNDIwZDRkNDFkMThhZWY0NjZiODE0NWVhZmQ0OTVkNTEyMTg0ZjU0YzI4YTY4NWYzMjExN2Jm)
This product is currently not available to order directly from the store, but can be requested directly from us.
![Comutador de comando](/medias/10431626.png?context=bWFzdGVyfGV4dGVybmFsaW1hZ2VzfDEyMzg2NjZ8aW1hZ2UvcG5nfGFEUmpMMmczWXk4NE9EY3pOelExTVRJeE16RXdMekV3TkRNeE5qSTJMbkJ1Wnd8NzkxZmM0NjliZjEwY2FlY2Q4MGRlODZlMGVmODFlZmJkNDU1YTg1MzcyNDMyNDc5ODJmYTcwYzdlYmY0ZmZiNQ)
This product is currently not available to order directly from the store, but can be requested directly from us.
![Comutador de comando](/medias/10451283.png?context=bWFzdGVyfGV4dGVybmFsaW1hZ2VzfDcwODI4fGltYWdlL3BuZ3xhR1kxTDJnM1lpODRPRGN6TnpRMU1UVTBNRGM0THpFd05EVXhNamd6TG5CdVp3fGU0NTgwMDNlZjc0OGQ1MmUyOGVhNGE2ODRlMjg4NGNmZjNkNTkyZDlhODkyYmE0Nzc0YzUyMzBlYWYxMzBjODc)
This product is currently not available to order directly from the store, but can be requested directly from us.
![Comutador de comando](/medias/10564305.png?context=bWFzdGVyfGV4dGVybmFsaW1hZ2VzfDgyNDc1fGltYWdlL3BuZ3xhRGN4TDJoallTODRPRGN6TnpRME9UVTNORGN3THpFd05UWTBNekExTG5CdVp3fDEwODM2M2FiZGJjNjUxOTg0ZDQ4OGZmMzhlMGJkZDU5ZDg4YzhjM2Y2ZjY0NDQwNDA0YzJiNzA3YmU3NzdiMWQ)
This product is currently not available to order directly from the store, but can be requested directly from us.
![Comutador de comando](/medias/10191075.png?context=bWFzdGVyfGV4dGVybmFsaW1hZ2VzfDEwMjY2NHxpbWFnZS9wbmd8YUdZM0wyZzNPQzg0T0Rjek56UTFNakU1TmpFMEx6RXdNVGt4TURjMUxuQnVad3w1ZDEzODEyYWFiZjc4ZTI3MDAwM2MyMzIwNDA4YmFjYjI2NmEwNGM2N2JkNDIzNGE4NWVhNTViZWU1YjY0MzI5)
This product is currently not available to order directly from the store, but can be requested directly from us.
![Dispositivo de medição](/medias/10528093.png?context=bWFzdGVyfGV4dGVybmFsaW1hZ2VzfDE0NzYyNXxpbWFnZS9wbmd8YURjNUwyaGpOQzg0T0Rjek56UXpOekV5TWpnMkx6RXdOVEk0TURrekxuQnVad3xmMTZiYjUzZTU2ODg2MGE4ZDc5YzczMTQ2ZjcyZTc0YWFkYzhhNzkxZmRmMDkzNWFmZDBhYzUzM2E1ZjA5OGVh)
This product is currently not available to order directly from the store, but can be requested directly from us.
This product is currently not available to order directly from the store, but can be requested directly from us.
This product is currently not available to order directly from the store, but can be requested directly from us.
This product is currently not available to order directly from the store, but can be requested directly from us.
This product is currently not available to order directly from the store, but can be requested directly from us.
This product is currently not available to order directly from the store, but can be requested directly from us.
This product is currently not available to order directly from the store, but can be requested directly from us.
This product is currently not available to order directly from the store, but can be requested directly from us.
This product is currently not available to order directly from the store, but can be requested directly from us.
This product is currently not available to order directly from the store, but can be requested directly from us.
This product is currently not available to order directly from the store, but can be requested directly from us.
This product is currently not available to order directly from the store, but can be requested directly from us.
This product is currently not available to order directly from the store, but can be requested directly from us.
This product is currently not available to order directly from the store, but can be requested directly from us.
This product is currently not available to order directly from the store, but can be requested directly from us.
This product is currently not available to order directly from the store, but can be requested directly from us.
This product is currently not available to order directly from the store, but can be requested directly from us.